Minggu, 02 Oktober 2016


  • discourse is generally used to designate the form of representation ,codes,convension and habit of language          that produced specific field of culturally and historically located meaning mickael lfoucauts early writing (The Order of Discourse )
  • Discourse is a conceptual generalizations of conversation within each modality and contac ofcommunication 
  • discourse refer to how we think of communcate about people ,think ,the social organizations of sociaty .and the relationship among and between all three .discourse typicallyemerges out of social institutions like media and politic (among other ) and by virtue and giving structure and order to language and thought it structures and order our lives /relationship with other and society 
  • a discourse is an instance of language use whose type can be classfied on the bases of such factory as grammatically and lexically choicess and their distributions in discourse .
  • discourse is the prevailing sense of discourse is defined by the OED as "A spoken and written treatment of a subject in which it is handdled and discussed at lenght a didissertation ,treatise homely ,sermon,or the like while provouse ,archaich .defenition of discourse  have been (procces or sucesstion of event time .actions ,etc.or the act of understanding ) discourse is most simply understood today as a sort of unit of language organized around particulars subjec matter and meaning .


  •  A system examination and evaluations of data or informations by the breaking its into its component part to uncover the interrelationship opposite and synthesis .
  • analysis is detailed examinations of the element or structure of something typically as a basis for discussions or interpretations .
  • the process of breaking up a concept ,proposition,linguistich ,or fact into its simple or ultimate constituens (cambridge dictionary of philosofhy ,2nd,1999.ed.robert audi.
  • analysis is the process of breaking a complexs topic or subtance into smaller parts in order to gain a better understanding of it .the tecniqhue hass been applied in the study of mathemathich and logic since before aris totles (384 -322 B.C ) thought analysis as a formal concept is a relatively recent development .this verb analyze comes from the noun analysis.the noun analysisi was in turn borrowed from greek .from analized ot "to dissolve " if you go to analysis it mean that you will be examined and helped by a mental health professional .who will analysis your particullrally problems and helf you find solutions .
  • analysis is the examinations and evaluations of the relevan informations to select the best course actions from among various alternative .


    • discourse analysis (DA ) or discourse studes ,is ageneral term for a number of approaches to analize written ,vocal or sign language use ,or anysignificant semiotich event .the objectof discourse anlysis( discourse ,wriring ,copersations communicative event ) are variously defined in term of coherences seqeences of sentences ,propositions ,speech or turn or talk .
    • discourse analysis is the area of linguistich that is concerned with how we build up meaning in the larges comminicative rather than grammatical unit .meaning in a text,paragrhaph,conversations ,etc ,rather than in asingle sentences .
    • discourse analysis is a broads in term for the study of they ways in which language is used in texs and contexs ,also called discourse studies .
    • discoursr analysis is the sometims defined as the analysis of language beyond the sentences ,this contract this types or analysis more tipically of modrent of linguistich ,which are chiefly corcerned with the study of grammar ,the study of smaller bits of language ,such as sound (phonetic and phonology ) ,parts of word (morphology ),meaning is (semantic) and order of words in sentences is (syntax ) discourse analysis study large chunks of language as they  floe together .
    • Discourse anlysis is a term used for variety of processed that examine or deconstructions the underlying meaningin speech or other or communicative texs .


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